Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Lush Review III: The Search for Spock

So, I promised to review the hair care products I got, and I am happy to bring you my results!

1. New Shampoo Bar (4.75/5)

So this whole bar shampoo thing was a crazy new idea to me. But with the promise of a longer lasting product with no SLS, I figured I'd give it a go. Plus, the five year old in me thought it looked fun. I hit the showers as soon as I could and the five year old in me gleefully shook hands with the paranoid android twenty-something. As a ginger, enhanced though I may be, I am always terrified that shampoos will wreck my hair. I have a lot of it, but it is quite fine. One false move and I am praying for my next hair appointment to disguise damage behind layers. So as the tingly sensations took over my scalp, I knew I would have to wait. First of all, the reports are true - you just need a couple of swipes and your head is lathered up and good to go! I overused it the first go round, but it was a learning process. Second, I loved the tingly feeling from the cinnamon and clove, which made for a lovely lingering scent as well. My hair made it out just fine, and in fact, is looking a little better for the experiment! I just wish it didn't stick so easily in the tin. Of course, this has been alternated with another bar...

2. Squeaky Green Shampoo Bar (4.75/5)

Despite my Cartman-like fear of the hippie label, I was bolstered by the support of my friends and decided to give this one a go. I am very glad that I did! Now the overall shampoo bar experience is the same. I doubt that changes much from bar to bar. But this one left me feeling gloriously clean and my scalp was very happy. The bits that came out of the bar were a bit odd to deal with, since that's new to me. Still, I love how clean my hair felt without having the life sucked out of it in the process. I seriously recommend it for nights after concerts, road trips, or serious gym workouts. You can feel nice and fresh without sacrificing comfort or hair health.

3. American Cream Conditioner (2.5/5)

OK, I get that this is insanely popular. And the smell might be it. However, it's not my favorite conditioner thus far. Yeah, my hair soaked it up, a bit too well. I usually can go a day without having to wash my hair, and with this conditioner, my hair got very heavy right away. On the couple of hot days we've had hit since I picked this up, my hair was very happy to have the extra moisture, and I might just keep the rest of the bottle for those days. It's just a bit much for my hair. It feels very healthy, and it's definitely not bad, but it's like putting a full body cast on someone with a mosquito bite. Major overkill for me. Sure, this may be Lush heresy, but I am being honest.

4. Jungle Conditioner Bar (4.5/5)

Now, I expected to hate this. Coming off of the heaviness of American Cream, I was thinking this would leave my hair devoid of life. But I have seen the light! This conditioner was perfect for my hair. It's a Goldilocks formula - not too much or too little. Since I was going off of samples, I can't tell how long and actual bar would last me, but I am certainly going to make sure I find out. Yes, you do have to do some warm-up softening voodoo to get it ready to go on your hair. And you will want to make sure your hair is detangled to get the fastest and easiest results. The .5 knockoff is because it is a royal pain in the hindquarters to get this going at 5:30AM when I am half-asleep. Since that is my natural state of mind when showering, that's a deserved slap on the bum. Beyond that, I have to say that I am very pleased with this product and I recommend it, despite its quirks.

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